Clarity Accounting Services, Inc.
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An agent of business transformation.  We change lives.
Non-Profit / Fund Accounting in QuickBooks®
  • You can create and monitor performance against an Operating Budget.  Non-profit doesn't mean 'no surplus allowed' which is where we get into Capital Budgets

Fund Accounting:
  • Designated and Restricted funds need a special level of attention when it comes to reporting.  Setting up the class-tracking structure is the first step, then you need to address the use of and reporting on those classes.  Is your chart of accounts built to accommodate?  Within your operating bank account balance, what portion is designated?  Are your operating reserves and endowment funds well recorded?

​Donation Receipts and Letters:
  • Are you preparing these receipts and letters each year in a program outside of QuickBooks®?  Have you considered having these quickly generated from your reconciled transaction data and donor record demographics?  ...with just a few clicks?

​Form 990:
  • QuickBooks is spitting this out for you, right?
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